River Fishing

Prince of Wales offers endless opportunities for your fishing adventure.  The road system gives you access to many of these pristine streams. All of the streams are well suited for wading.  Unlike most of Alaska there are no Brown Bears on the island, only Black Bears, so no worries there. Prince of Wales Island gets Steelhead runs and 4 of the 5 Pacific Salmon runs in the river systems of the island. The Steelhead and Salmon runs are as follows:

Steelhead - late April through early June

Sockeye (Red) Salmon - June through September

Chum (Dog) Salmon - mid July through August

Pink (Humpy) Salmon - Late July through early September

Silver (Coho) Salmon - July through September

The Sockeye runs are not very strong on the island so we don't recommend coming to target only that species. The trout fishing is great that time of year so you can come looking at catching some trout and some Sockeye as well. The Chum Salmon runs are very dependent on rain during mid summer. That time of year is a great time to fish the Saltwater for Coho Salmon and Halibut while you are here. The Pink Salmon runs arrive in August. The rivers are boiling with life this time of year.  You can catch any one of the four salmon species on your next cast.  Pink Salmon dominate the landscape for most of August but you can cover different parts of the rivers and find a variety of species available.  If we had to pick one month to visit Alaska this would be it.  You have almost all the Salmon species available and Saltwater fishing is great as well.  


By the end of September the weather is getting cooler and most lodges think it's time to call it a season.  They are missing out on some spectacular fishing.  What most people don't know is that southeast Alaska is not as far north as the rest of Alaska.  We area actually closer to Seattle Washington than we are to Anchorage. Just like in the Spring the weather can be unpredictable but the fishing is phenomenal.   If you can handle a little more rain you'll be greatly rewarded.


We don't have King Salmon runs in any of the river on the island but we do catch them in the waters surrounding the island as they migrate north to the mainland streams.


We also have native runs of Steelhead, Cutthroat Trout, and Dolly Vardon in the streams and lakes of the island.


Fishing licenses and King Salmon stamps can be purchases online or when you arrive > Alaska Fish and Game


Fishing on Prince of Wales Island

With over 85 documented streams Prince of Wales Island is a Fisherman's paradise.  There are about 8 major river systems that you have access to by road but every little stream holds fish.  There are over 1500 miles of road giving access to much of the island's waterways.